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Berlin, 04/12/2023: The new plans have been eagerly awaited. Today, Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) and Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir (Greens) published the key points of a 2-pillar model for the controlled dispensing of recreational cannabis to adults. Through the first pillar, cannabis and private – including communal – non-commercial cultivation and possession for personal use are to be decriminalized. Only with the second pillar will commercial supply chains be made possible through regional model projects. The German government refers to this as the „Club Cultivation & Regional Model“ (CARe model).

Mit Spannung wurden die neuen Pläne erwartet. Heute wurden von Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) und Landwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir (Grüne) die Eckpunkte eines 2-Säulen-Modells zur kontrollierten Abgabe von Genusscannabis an Erwachsene veröffentlicht. Durch die erste Säule sollen Cannabis und der private – auch gemeinschaftliche – nichtkommerzielle Anbau und Besitz für den Eigenbedarf entkriminalisiert werden. Erst mit der zweiten Säule werden über regionale Modellvorhaben kommerzielle Lieferketten ermöglicht. Die Bundesregierung spricht hierbei vom “Club Anbau & Regional-Modell“.

The BvCW welcomes the CARe model as a first step on a long but sensible path. International and European legal issues can thus be solved in the meantime. The goal must remain a regulated, controlled and legal market, according to the cannabis economy.

The managing director of the BvCW, Jürgen Neumeyer, makes this clear:
We welcome the announced removal of cannabis from the BtMG. This also enables progress in the areas of industrial hemp, medical cannabis and in the legal clarification of CBD products. We are also pleased that the German government is lobbying other EU member states for more flexibility and further development of the EU legal framework and hope for corresponding reforms. As the cannabis industry, we will continue to be happy to support the federal government and legislators in the „big steps“ announced by Federal Ministers Lauterbach and Özdemir.

Dirk Heitepriem, BvCW vice president and department coordinator for stimulant regulation at the BvCW, demands:
“It is important to ensure diversity in the supply of the model projects. Structures must be created that make investments in the controlled cannabis market permanently attractive. In order to effectively push back the black market, there needs to be a nationwide supply of the model projects by the most diverse and varied cultivators and processors.
In order to prevent a migration of self-paying patients to the cultivation clubs, the Cannabis as Medicine Act must be significantly adapted. Medically necessary therapies should always be accompanied by a doctor and with reimbursement for the medication.”

The question of the scope of the model projects remains open. Numerous small and medium-sized companies are in the starting blocks, e.g. for the establishment of licensed points of sale (specialist stores), the training of specialist staff or quality controls and tracking (track and trace). The widest possible distribution of points of sale and the widest possible variety of controlled products are important, in the opinion of the cannabis industry, in order to noticeably displace the black market and enable quality controls for consumer protection.

Press release of the Federal Ministry of Health: Link
Key points paper of the Federal Government: Link
2-pillar model of the federal government: Link
Video of today’s press conference: Link

More documents from the cannabis economy on the regulatory discussion of stimulant cannabis:
ELEMENTE Vol. 29: Position Paper Licensed Points of Sale (Specialty Stores)
ELEMENTE Vol. 28: Position Paper on Quality Requirements for Cannabis
ELEMENTE Vol. 27: Position paper on home cultivation of cannabis as a stimulant
ELEMENTE Vol. 26: Position Paper Track & Trace
ELEMENTE Vol. 25: Synopsis of association position papers
ELEMENTE Vol. 24: Position Paper on Supply Chains and Production Conditions
ELEMENTE Vol. 23: Position Paper on Prevention & Risk Minimization
ELEMENTE Vol. 22: Cannabis Regulation – Collection of Mistakes and Lessons Learned from Other Countries
ELEMENTE Vol. 20: Cornerstone paper on stimulant regulation – Towards a German cannabis agenda

An overview of the ELEMENTE series of publications can be found here.