Programme of the cannabis industry conference on Mary Jane 2024
On Friday, 14 June 2024, Mary Jane opened its doors for the cannabis industry conference at the Messegelände Nord in Berlin.
The keynotes and panels of the cannabis industry conference at Mary Jane 2024 were divided into different thematic and chronological blocks:
- The future of industrial hemp in Germany
- Progress in medical cannabis – MedCanG and Co. – Where is the journey going?
- Cannabis policy summit
- Tracking, control and quality
- Cannabis economy for cultivation clubs – Current topics for techn. Trade and services
- Global industrial networking – How can we accelerate a long-term change in strategy?
Specialist block: The future of industrial hemp in Germany
12:00 p.m. Keynote
The future of industrial hemp in Germany
Marijn Roersch van de Hoogte (BvCW Vice President, Department Coordinator Industrial Hemp)
12:15 Panel
Is it worth growing hemp now? The need for an industrial hemp law
Daniel Kruse (Synbiotic)
Marius Wöllner (organic farmer & entrepreneur)
Daniel Frotscher (Limewood)
Uwe Roth (Werra-Meißner district)
Andreas Bergmann (LPV)
Moderation: Marijn Roersch van der Hoogte (BvCW Vice President, Coordinator of the Industrial Hemp Division)
13:15 Panel 2
Why building with hemp has a future - Where are the hemp houses?
Felix Drewes (Hanfingenieur)
Roger Dauer (Calculator Bauregie)
Gökcan Güney (CannaBau-Technik)
Marijn Roersch van de Hoogte (BvCW Vice President, Department Coordinator Industrial Hemp)
Specialist block: Progress in medical cannabis - MedCanG and co. - Where is the journey going?
14:00 Keynote
Medical cannabis: Changes due to the MedCanG - what will change for patient care
Dr Knud Gastmeier (Wissenschaftsnetzwerk Cannabinoide in der Medizin)
Moderation: Dr Armin Prasch (BvCW board member, coordinator of the medical cannabis department)
14:30 Panel
Reservation of authorisation - Are there other ways to improve access?
Dr Franjo Grotenhermen (ACM) connected via video
Dr Knud Gastmeier (Wissenschaftsnetzwerk Cannabinoide in der Medizin)
Dr Christiane Neubaur (VCA)
Gero Kohlhaas (SCM)
Janosch Kratz (Charité Berlin)
Kathrin Konyen (Canify)
Moderation: Dr Armin Prasch (BvCW, Departmental Coordinator Medical Cannabis)
15:30 Panel
Medical cannabis cultivation in Germany - progress and need for improvement
Dirk Heitepriem (BvCW President, Aurora Europe)
Adrian Fischer (Demecan)
Markus Hanl (Lux 99 Pharmacy)
Nicole Besse (Tilray)
Moderation: Dr Niels Lutzhöft
Cannabis policy summit
17:00 Keynote
US-Cannabis re-scheduling and global initiatives
David Culver (USCC)
17:15 Panel
After the law is before the law - CanG on the way, what's next?
Kristine Lütke (Member of the Bundestag, FDP)
Kirsten Kappert-Gonther (Member of the Bundestag, Greens)
Carmen Wegge (Member of Parliament, SPD)
Ates Gürpinar (MP, Left Party)
Moderation: Dirk Heitepriem (BvCW President, Aurora Europe)
18:15 Panel
Reducing competitive disadvantages: Why do we need an Industrial Hemp Act?
Karl Bär (Member of the Bundestag, Greens)
Marijn Roersch van de Hoogte (BvCW Vice President, Industrial Hemp Coordinator)
Moderation: Jürgen Neumeyer (BvCW Managing Director)
Specialist block: Tracking, control and quality
19:00 Keynote
"Track and Trace" - Intelligent Software and Tracking - Control, Quality and Distinctiveness
Frederike S. Fäscher (Metrc)
Timo Bongartz (Cannavigia)
Lorenz Minks (420 Cloud)
Dirk Falke (Federal Association of the Tobacco Industry)
Moderation: Lisa Haag (BvCW board member, department coordinator for technology, trade and services)
Saturday 15.06.2024
Specialist block: Cannabis business for cultivation clubs - current topics for technology, trade and services
11:32 a.m. Keynote 1
Commercial cannabis seed trade and advertising law requirements in the context of their commercialisation
Maren Wahler (lawyer) and Dr Ferdinand Weis (BvCW board member, lawyer)
11:55 a.m. Keynote 2
A foundation for a functioning legal cannabis economy
Lisa Haag (BvCW Board Member, Department Coordinator Technology, Trade and Services)
12:10 Panel
Blossoming of a new branch of industry: the economy around cultivation associations
Stefan Röhrl (Hempgroup)
Henry Wieker (Coordinator of the BCAv, HHH & Cannabis Socialclub Hannover)
Nikolaos Katsaras (Cannabiosan & Blütezeit)
Peter Reinhardt
Moderation: Lisa Haag (BvCW board member, department coordinator technology, trade and services)
13:00 Panel
Advertising & selling - current topics for the trade around legal hemp and cannabis products
Philipp Ferrer (Hempgroup)
Attorney Dr Ferdinand Weis (BvCW board member, attorney)
Attorney Peter Homberg
Sven Kalies (ThankYouJane)
Moderation: Lisa Haag (BvCW board member, department coordinator for technology, trade and services)
English-language specialist block: Global industrial networking - How can we accelerate a long-term change in strategy?
14:00 Panel
European future markets for medical cannabis
Ukraine: Hanna Hlushchenko (Ukrainian Cannabis Consulting Group)
Spain: Pepe Fernandez-Rua (Cariotipo)
France: Ghita Amrani (Olympe Healthcare)
Poland: Anita Jeglińska (Polish Association for Cannabis Therapy)
Host: Benjamin Patock (BvCW)
14:45 Panel
Global industrial networking - How can we accelerate a long-term change in strategy?
USA: David Culver (USCC)
Europe: Daniel Kruse (EIHA)
England: Callie Seaman (Cannabis Industry Council)
Host: Dirk Heitepriem (BvCW-Präsident, Aurora Europe)