SERIES OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE German Cannabis business Association (BVCW)
ELEMENTE Volume 41: On the permissibility of commercial trade in cannabis seeds
In this discussion paper, the BvCW clarifies its own legal opinion as to why cannabis seeds may now be traded.
Status: 04/14/2024
ELEMENTE Volume 40: Cannabis for recreational purposes – overview in figures
The figures for recreational cannabis (referred to as „consumer cannabis“ in the Cannabis Act) in Germany: This volume of ELEMENTS is updated at irregular intervals. The current version is version 1.0. For future editions, please send your comments to kontakt@cannabiswirtschaft.de
Status: 04/12/2024
ELEMENTE Volume 39: Behavior during raids – An information guide
For more legal certainty in the legal cannabis economy, we recommend reading this document before a possible raid.
Status: 01/12/2024
ELEMENTE Volume 38: Statement by the Federal Medical Service
As a result of the ALBVVG and the G-BA decision of 11/07/2023, specialist groups are to be defined for which the approval requirement no longer applies. We publish our position here.
Status: 12/11/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 37: Survey of cannabis growers‘ associations
Even before the CanG was passed, csc-maps.de asked the prospective cultivation associations about their expectations, concerns and plans. We have published the results here
Status: 11/03/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 36: Statement on the CanG cabinet decision
We have commented on the cabinet decision of the Federal Government of 16.08.2023. We hereby make our comprehensive position publicly available.
Status: 10/14/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 35: Position Paper – Cultivation Clubs
Besides private cultivation, cultivation clubs should become the second legal source of supply for pleasure cannabis. We positonize here for possible framework conditions.
Status: 09/15/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 34: Position Paper – Hemp as Foodstuff
Industrial hemp offers a valuable contribution to a healthy diet without intoxication. We position ourselves for the dismantling of unnecessary legal hurdles and for appropriate limit values.
Status: 09/11/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 33: Opinion of the Federal Medical Service
As a result of the G-BA decision as well as current case law, the assessment guideline „BGA Cannabinoids“ is being revised. Here we publish our positioning.
Status: 08/23/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 32: Statement on the draft law on cannabis (CanG)
At the request of the Federal Ministry of Health, we have commented on the planned Cannabis Act (CanG) including the Cannabis Cultivation Act (CanAnbaugesetz) and the Medical Cannabis Act (MedCanG). We hereby make our comprehensive positioning publicly available.
Status: 07/24/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 31: Position Paper – Agricultural Promotion for Commercial Hemp
This volume deals with the positions and demands from the Division of Commercial Hemp & Food.
Status: 05/24/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 30: Statement to the G-BA
Regarding the decision on the future of cannabis as medicine within the framework of the statutory health insurance, the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has asked the BvCW for a statement. We hereby make our comprehensive positioning publicly available.
Status: 04/03/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 29: Position Paper Licensed Points of Sale (Specialty Stores)
A concept for regulatory frameworks taking into account prevention and education as well as youth and consumer protection.
Status: 03/14/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 28: Position paper on quality requirements for cannabis for human consumption
The cannabis industry is striving for a purity law for cannabis as a stimulant. In this position paper, the BvCW explains, for example, the required product properties such as purity and active ingredient content, production and further processing methods as well as required testing procedures or even limit values.
Status: 02/02/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 27: Home Cultivation of Cannabis as a Semi-luxury Drug
This volume deals with the positions and demands from the field of stimulant regulation. It deals with home cultivation for personal use for private purposes.
Positions on commercial cultivation of cannabis can be found in volumes 18, 20 and 22-26.
Status: 09/21/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 26: Position Paper Track & Trace
This position paper offers suggestions for track and trace solutions, measures for the permanent traceability of product origin and location as well as quality on the luxury food market.
Status: 08/02/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 25: Synopsis
This position paper provides an overview of comparisons of different positions on stimulant regulation. Version 1 represents the first comparison with the Green Party’s draft cannabis control law „CannKG“ from 2018. In the updated version 2, the comparison is made with the cornerstone paper of the federal government from 2022.
For upcoming editions, we are happy to receive notification of innovations and further position papers under our Contakt.
Status: 12/21/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 24: Position Paper on Supply Chains and Production Conditions
This position paper provides an overview of various proposals and measures on supply chains and production conditions in the legalization of cannabis in Germany.
Status: 06/27/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 23: Position Paper – Prevention & Risk Reduction
This position paper provides an overview of various proposals and measures for preventive work and risk minimization in the legalization of cannabis in Germany.
Status: 06/12/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 22: Cannabis Regulation: Collection of Mistakes and Lessons Learned from Other Countries
With this document we would like to give an overview of how other countries in the world deal with the creation of a stimulant market. In order to avoid legalization mistakes, we would like to focus on the things that can be optimized in a new regulation to be created in Germany. Against this background, in the following we will look at the individual countries with problem descriptions and offer possible solution options.
Status: 06/02/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 21: Why it is practically impossible that useful hemp is misused for intoxicating purposes.
This document has been prepared by the BvCW’s Department of Commercial Hemp and Food. It was approved by the BvCW Board of Directors on 02/03/2022.
We would like to thank all contributors within the BvCW and especially the external experts for their cooperation and the many technical comments.
Status: 02/07/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 20: Key issues paper on stimulant regulation – Towards a German Cannabis Agenda
This cornerstone paper provides a first overview of the relevant areas of a stimulant regulation of cannabis. More in-depth papers on the individual points will be published by the cannabis industry in the coming months. The present paper has been developed within the framework of the specialist area of stimulant regulation. Members from all areas of the cannabis economy (including medicine, analytics, technology, CBD, trade, cultivation) have contributed to it.
Status: 02/03/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 19: Commercial Hemp in Germany – Overview in Figures
The figures for commercial hemp in Germany: This volume of ELEMENTE is updated in irregular intervals. The current version is version 1.3. For future editions we are looking forward to your comments at kontakt@cannabiswirtschaft.de
Status: 12/12/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 18: Awakening Cannabis 2021: The most important political demands of the cannabis economy for Germany – 6-point plan of the German Cannabis Business Association (BvCW) for the new legislative period
For the upcoming coalition negotiations and the new legislative period of the German Bundestag, the cannabis economy proposes a 6-point plan for a sustainable and innovative use of the potential of the hemp plant.
Status: 10/08/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 17: Discrimination of hemp enterprises by payment services and banks – summary of BvCW survey results
Following reports of significant problems with payment service providers and banks, the BvCW conducted an online survey to better assess their extent. The summary is published here. The long version is available to BvCW members upon request at the BvCW office.
Status: 08/19/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 16: The marketability of commercial hemp flowers and leaves – Positions and demands from the specialist area of cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids
The BvCW positions itself on the marketability of commercial hemp flowers and leaves and makes concrete demands.
Status: 08/10/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 15: Dealing with Cannabis and Cannabis Products in the EU – Translation of an Overview on Legal Requirements
The EU has prepared an overview on the EU-wide handling of cannabis and cannabis products (incl. commercial hemp, novel food, CBD, food, cosmetics, animal feed, THC limits, etc.). The BvCW has translated this overview into German and documents it here.
Status: 08/10/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 14: Election touchstones of the cannabis economy for the 2021 Bundestag elections
These questions (so-called „Wahlprüfsteine“) were posed in June 2021 by the BvCW to the parties represented in the Bundestag. These have now been answered by the respective parties and prepared by the BvCW including a presentation of the election programs with regard to cannabis & drug policy.
Status: 09/16/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 13: Lawyers for the Cannabis Economy
The BvCW presents attorneys who are supporting members of the BvCW. This list is available for public viewing.
A more comprehensive list of specialized lawyers for the cannabis economy is available to BvCW members upon request at the BvCW office.
Status: 01/19/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 12: Hemp as a renewable raw material – Positions and demands from the specialist area of commercial hemp & foodstuffs
The BvCW advocates various positions for hemp as a renewable raw material.
Status: 05/17/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 11: Clear framework conditions for the cannabis economy! Position paper of the BvCW from the Department of Technology, Trade & Services.
This position paper addresses BvCW demands on topics including legal certainty, payment service providers, social media and marketing platforms.
Status: 04/16/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 10: Medical Cannabis: Varieties
This list gives you an overview of the medical cannabis flowers registered in Germany.
Status: 03/23/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 9: Members of the Bundestag (MdB): Statements on medical cannabis
Cross-factional politicians in the German Bundestag have made statements regarding cannabis as medicine. The industry association Cannabiswirtschaft e.V. (BvCW) has requested, collected and compiled the statements.
Status: 03/08/2021
ELEMENTE Volume 8: Medical Cannabis: Overview in Figures
Status: 04/26/2022
ELEMENTE Volume 7: Members of the Bundestag (MdB): Statements on cannabidiol (CBD).
Cross-factional politicians in the German Bundestag have spoken out in favor of a regulated CBD market. The German Cannabis Business Association (BvCW) has requested, collected and compiled the statements.
Status: 11/20/2020
ELEMENTE Volume 6: Commercial hemp cultivation in Germany: possible funding programs
Here, the BvCW provides an initial overview of funding opportunities for commercial hemp cultivation in Germany and does not represent all project opportunities. With the kind support of Dr. Michael Dickeduisberg, Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia.
Status: 06/02/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 5: Overview of the legal status of CBD in Europe
Tabular presentation on the different handling of cannabidiol in Europe.
ELEMENTE Volume 4: For a regulated CBD market! – Positioning and proposals of the German Cannabis Business Association (BvCW)
The BvCW is in favor of a regulated and safe market for cannabidiol in Germany and makes proposals for the implementation in the different areas.
Status: 11/09/2020
ELEMENTE Volume 3: Positions & Goals of the Medical Cannabis Division of the German Cannabis Business Association (BvCW)
The BvCW positions itself on medical cannabis and describes its goals for the medical use of cannabis in Germany.
Status: 02/14/2023
ELEMENTE Volume 2: Questions to & Answers from WHO, INCB & UNODOC on Cannabidiol (CBD) and Medical Cannabis
Based on the WHO recommendation on the control of cannabis and cannabis-related substances, the BvCW has translated and compiled key statements from WHO, INCB and UNODOC from English.
Status: 11/04/2020
ELEMENTE Volume 1: First Positionings of the German Cannabis Business Association (BvCW)
The first positionings of the BvCW on the topics of medical cannabis, commercial hemp and hemp food, CBD, and technology, trade and services. It reflects the historical status of our decision-making after the first board meeting.
Status: 01/22/2020