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Der Branchenverband Cannabiswirtschaft e.V. ist ein Wirtschaftsverband der deutschen Cannabiswirtschaft mit Sitz in Berlin.
Medical cannabis: Cannabis Economy welcomes initial simplifications as small but right step toward fundamental reform

Berlin, 06/23/2023: With the passing of the Arzneimittel-Lieferengrossbekämpfungs- und Versorgungsverbesserungsgesetz (ALBVVG), the Bundestag today approved shortened approval periods for the prescription of medical cannabis. In addition, the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) was instructed to define groups of specialists for whom the approval requirement for the first-time prescription of cannabis no longer applies.

Dr. Armin Prasch, departmental coordinator for medical cannabis in the German Cannabis Business Association (BvCW), explains: „This decision will make it easier for some physicians to ensure effective and timely treatment with medical cannabis and at the same time reduce the bureaucracy associated with such treatments. This is a clear recognition of the medical potential of cannabis. The law also demonstrates the importance of the availability of medicinal products, and the proposed measures to combat supply shortages will certainly help improve the security of supply for all patients in Germany.“

Jürgen Neumeyer, Managing Director of the BvCW, adds on the further need for reform: „The passed law is a small but good step on the way to necessary reforms in the medical cannabis sector. Together with other professional associations, we have proposed the most important changes and see the legislator continuing to act. As the cannabis industry, we advocate for the destigmatization of cannabis as medicine and call for the further removal of unnecessary barriers and superfluous bureaucracy in the interest of patients who rely on this therapeutic option.“

You can find the recommended resolution here, and more info from the Bundestag here.

Cross-association publications on the topic of medical cannabis:

24.05.2023: Professional associations call for urgent reforms to cannabis-as-medicine law
incl. joint position paper of the professional associations

07.09.2022: The supply of medical cannabis must be improved
incl. position paper on the protection of medical cannabis

Further publications of the cannabis economy on the topic of medical cannabis:
ELEMENTE Vol. 3: BvCW positions & goals on medical cannabis
ELEMENTE Vol. 8: Medical cannabis: Overview in figures
ELEMENTE Vol. 30: Statement to the G-BA