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About us

The association

We are the voice of the cannabis economy in Germany and represent all industry segments and company sizes towards politics and administration . Our specialist areas are divided into „recreational cannabis regulation“, „industrial hemp“, „medical cannabis“ and „technology, trade & services“.

Our tasks should include participation in expert councils/committees of the ministries as well as hearings in the German Bundestag or the Federal Government.

We bundle industrial policy, technological and economic expertise and advocate for better political framework conditions. We will accompany necessary regulatory issues at all levels. To this end, we organize events and address decision-makers directly.

our imagefilm

Courtesy of Aphria Inc. & Hemp Fiber Uckermark eG
bis zur gründung


We are the voice
of the German cannabis economy



We participate in specialized councils/committees of the ministries as well as hearings in the German Bundestag or the Federal Government with technical expertise of our departments.

We bundle political, technological, and economic expertise in order to advocate for favorable political framework conditions. To this end, we organize events and address decision-makers directly.



We help to exchange information and best-practice examples through departmental events, industry meetings and beyond.

We create a variety of opportunities for dialogue with political institutions and authorities, associations, and foreign representatives in Germany.

In addition, we offer publication opportunities, provide specialist information and develop quality standards for the cannabis economy.



We do public relations work for cannabis as an economic good in order to normalize the public opinion about cannabis, spread knowledge about the enormous variety of uses of the plant and strengthen the public support for a reasonable market regulation.

This includes press relations, sector-specific publications, public and internal newsletters, image campaigns, and presence at events, such as conferences and selected trade fairs. With the help of our members, we conduct market analyses and studies or support them in their preparation.

FOUR Departments

we represent the entire economy


The red-green-yellow federal government wants to introduce the controlled distribution of recreational cannabis in licensed shops.

For this purpose aspects of impactful youth and health protection, comprehensive education, effective consumer protection, science-based quality assurance, sensible advertising restrictions and appropriate taxation and further things must be addressed.

As the cannabis industry, we have already established a working group on this in November 2021, which is working intensively on the design of reasonable framework conditions to proactively advance the reform process.

Department Coordination: Dirk Heitepriem

Department of medical cannabis


Germany plays a progressive role in the field of cannabis as a medicine on a European scale.

Being a high-wage country, the basis for a strong future market position in Germany will be in combining technology and innovation leadership in developing and producing cannabis products with the highest quality and reliability standards.

Current issues of import and cultivation licenses, regulations for further processing, storage, and packaging will play a decisive role. Therefore, further training of doctors and pharmacists are just as important as the support of a scientific application research.

Reimbursement by the health insurance funds, drug price regulation, reduction of prescription bureaucracy, the definition of a „serious illness“ and the specification of „no therapy“ are topics of political work.

Department Coordination: Dr. Armin Prasch


For industrial hemp, the current regulations of the German Narcotics Act (BtMG) are in conflict with the usage of hemp as an industrial good. Related keywords are bio raw material, insulation material, oils, textiles.

For hemp farmers, processing and the procurement of appropriate machinery are important aspects. The foundation of cooperatives or associations as well as public funding for focal regions could help with this issue. One potential goal could be the exemption of EU-certified industrial hemp from the BtMG.

The need for healthy food and sustainable agriculture have given hemp in food a new appreciation. Our aim is to avoid the current state of over-regulation in the future and further develop safe quality standards. At the same time, the potential must be brought further into the public consciousness. The variety should finally experience the boom it deserves.

Department Coordination: Marijn Roersch van der Hoogte



The THD specialist area is aimed at small and medium-sized companies as well as traders who are active in the cannabis sector (also) outside of cultivation or production. This includes, for example, manufacturers of cultivation, lighting, irrigation or fertilization technology, consumables and analysis technology, as well as service providers in the fields of transport logistics, media and consulting services or knowledge transfer. The specialist area will also represent companies for eCommerce, IoT technologies and device manufacturers.

In the specialist area, we are committed to professionalizing the industry by providing important information, necessary products and systems. In addition to access to qualified suppliers, the specialist area works on topics such as quality standards and recommendations for action. We also represent the interests of the THD sector vis-à-vis politicians, large trading platforms, social media, banks and other commercial enterprises in order to create a legally compliant framework.

Department Coordination: Lisa Haag

FOUR Departments

we represent the entire industry

Department of medical cannabis

Germany plays a progressive role in the field of cannabis as a medicine on a European scale.

Being a high-wage country, the basis for a strong future market position in Germany will be in combining technology and innovation leadership in developing and producing cannabis products with the highest quality and reliability standards.

Current issues of import and cultivation licenses, regulations for further processing, storage, and packaging will play a decisive role. Therefore, further training of doctors and pharmacists are just as important as the support of a scientific application research.

Reimbursement by the health insurance funds, drug price regulation, reduction of prescription bureaucracy, the definition of a „serious illness“ and the specification of „no therapy“ are topics of political work.

Department Coordination: Dr. Armin Prasch


For industrial hemp, the current regulations of the German Narcotics Act (BtMG) are in conflict with the usage of hemp as an industrial good. Related keywords are bio raw material, insulation material, oils, textiles.

For hemp farmers, processing and the procurement of appropriate machinery are important aspects. The foundation of cooperatives or associations as well as public funding for focal regions could help with this issue. One potential goal could be the exemption of EU-certified industrial hemp from the BtMG.

The need for healthy food and sustainable agriculture have given hemp in food a new appreciation. Our aim is to avoid the current state of over-regulation in the future and further develop safe quality standards. At the same time, the potential must be brought further into the public consciousness. The variety should finally experience the boom it deserves.

Department Coordination: Marijn Roersch van der Hoogte



The red-green-yellow federal government wants to introduce the controlled distribution of recreational cannabis in licensed shops.


For this purpose aspects of impactful youth and health protection, comprehensive education, effective consumer protection, science-based quality assurance, sensible advertising restrictions and appropriate taxation and further things must be addressed.


As the cannabis industry, we have already established a working group on this in November 2021, which is working intensively on the design of reasonable framework conditions to proactively advance the reform process.


Department Coordination: Dirk Heitepriem


The THD specialist area is aimed at small and medium-sized companies as well as traders who are active in the cannabis sector (also) outside of cultivation or production. This includes, for example, manufacturers of cultivation, lighting, irrigation or fertilization technology, consumables and analysis technology, as well as service providers in the fields of transport logistics, media and consulting services or knowledge transfer. The specialist area will also represent companies for eCommerce, IoT technologies and device manufacturers.

In the specialist area, we are committed to professionalizing the industry by providing important information, necessary products and systems. In addition to access to qualified suppliers, the specialist area works on topics such as quality standards and recommendations for action. We also represent the interests of the THD sector vis-à-vis politicians, large trading platforms, social media, banks and other commercial enterprises in order to create a legally compliant framework.

Department Coordination: Lisa Haag

med. cannabis allowed to be cultivated annually by three companies starting in 2020
Medicinal cannabis flowers were imported for Germany in 2020
Mio. €
The statutory health insurances spent for medical cannabis in 2020 on
Total area of approved commercial hemp cultivation in Germany 2021




  • Legal & strategic advice for members
  • Claims, sample letters, checklists, etc.
  • Placement of speakers
  • Support of training & further education measures


  • Information is professionally processed & made available to decision-makers
  • Direct addressing of relevant multipliers & politicians with industry concerns


  • Support the definition, certification & surveillance of quality standards
  • Introduction of quality seals


  • Support & initiation of research projects
  • Assistance with acquisition of grants


  • Sector-specific job boards
  • (Local) job advertisements
  • Employee exchange database


  • Creation of market overviews
  • Industry analyses and studies


  • Regular political events in Berlin
  • e.g. parliamentary evenings or specialized events for decision-makers
  • Practice-oriented workshops & problem-solving round tables

EU & Partner

  • Participation in important national interest groups
  • Membership in European & international associations and umbrella organizations
press review, industry info & much more

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future & opportunities
Voices on the German cannabis economy
Cem Özdemir, MdB
Foto: © Sedat Mehder (CC BY 3.0)

Ich denke es ist ein riesiger Wirtschaftszweig in Deutschland, der noch am Anfang ist und wachsen sollte. Der Gesetzgeber muss jetzt endlich den Rahmen dafür bereiten.

Dr. Wieland Schinnenburg, MdB a.D. - bis 2021
FDP Bundestagsfraktion

Medizinalcannabis kann zu einem Exportschlager werden. Die deutsche Produktion sollte auf 50 Tonnen p.a. erhöht werden. Was Deutschland nicht benötigt, wird exportiert.

Prof. Dr. jur. Stephan Quensel
Foto: Philipp Stengelin
Universität Bremen (Emeritus)

Auch künftig wird Cannabis nicht nur als Medizin konsumiert werden.

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Gundula Barsch
Hochschule Merseburg

Raus aus der Braunkohle und rein in den Hanf!

Dr. Stefan Meyer
Neo-Livia GmbH

Hanf enthält mehr als 100 Wirkstoffe und ist somit weit mehr als nur ein Rauschmittel. Genauer kennen wir heute weniger als 10 Hanf-Inhaltstoffe. Der Rest wartet noch auf seine Entdeckung.

Benjamin Patock
Head of International Relations
Boveda Inc.

Die deutsche Cannabiswirtschaft steht vor einer großen Herausforderung, da die Innovationstreiber aus historisch-politischen Gründen nicht aus dem deutschen Markt kommen. Hier müssen wir den Hebel ansetzen, um den Standort Deutschland zu stärken.

Georg Wurth
Deutscher Hanfverband

Eine vernünftige Regulierung des Cannabismarktes ist für Konsumenten wie Unternehmen gleichermaßen wichtig. Der Branchenverband wird die Stimme der Unternehmen in diesem Prozess.

Lisa Haag
MJ Universe GmbH

Viele Firmen der deutschen Hanf- und Cannabiswirtschaft sind kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, deren wirtschaftlichen Interessen gestärkt und öffentlich vertreten werden müssen.

Jöran Kortmann
Gärtnereibedarf Kortmann GmbH

Cannabis ist ein Zukunftsmarkt. Als Industrierohstoff, Lebensmittel, Medizin und als Genussmittel. Deutschland darf diesen Markt nicht verpassen. Ich möchte weder von Faserhanf aus China noch von Medizin aus den USA abhängig sein.

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Scheerer
Professor für Kriminologie
Universität Hamburg (Emeritus)

Am meisten beeindruckt mich die Fähigkeit von Industrie-, bzw. Phytosanierungshanf, durch biologische Umwandlungsprozesse schwermetallverseuchte Böden zu sanieren, ohne dass die Giftstoffe ausgegraben und irgendwo deponiert werden müssen.

Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap
Direktor Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Der deutsche Cannabismarkt hat ein riesiges Potential, aber er muss vernünftig reguliert werden. Eine Branchenvertretung kann hier sehr wertvolle Inputs für eine informierte Debatte liefern.

Konstantin Primbas
Apotheker und Inhaber
APONEO - Mehr als Apotheke

In den Apotheken erkennt man schnell, dass Hanf-/CBD-Produkte längst kein Randthema oder gar Modeerscheinung sind, sondern Mittel mit weitreichenden Einsatz- und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sowie großem therapeutischen Potential für die Zukunft.

Dr. Eva Högl, ehem. MdB
ehem. Stellv. Vorsitzende

Cannabis muss legalisiert werden. Zugang, Anbau und Vertrieb von Cannabis müssen geregelt und kontrolliert werden. Dafür brauchen wir eine solide Cannabiswirtschaft.

aphria Jan Witte Frank_Egel-1355
Dr. Jan P. Witte M.D.
Facharzt für Innere Medizin - Hämatologie und Onkologie
Medizinischer Direktor bei Aphria

Deutschland hat die Vorraussetzungen um eine entscheidende Rolle in der Cannabinoid Forschung zu spielen. Zum Wohle der Patienten und Patientinnen sollten hierfür die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen werden.

Dr. med. Franjo Grotenhermen
Geschäftsführer der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin e.V. (ACM) und der International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines e.V. (IACM)

Eine vernünftige Cannabiswirtschaft kann ökonomisch, preisgünstig, ökologisch und entwicklungspolitisch sinnvoll gestaltet werden, wenn in Südamerika und Afrika unter der Sonne produziertes Cannabis auf eine rationale Gesetzgebung und kooperierende Partner in den entwickelten Nationen des Nordens trifft.

Kristine Lütke, MdB und drogenpolitische Sprecherin
FDP Bundestagsfraktion

Die Legalisierung von Cannabis kommt – das haben wir im Koalitionsvertrag festgelegt! Wir müssen diese Herausforderung jetzt klug und innovativ für Endverbraucher und Wirtschaft umsetzen.

Dr. Fabian Steinmetz
Dipl.-Ing.(FH), MSc, PhD, CBiol, MRSB, MRSC, AFHEA, ERT

Das Cannabisverbot hat der Bevölkerung wahrscheinlich mehr geschadet als Cannabis selbst: Das Verbot hat die Nachfrage nicht reduziert, und eine unverhältnismäßige Strafverfolgung und fehlende Qualitätskontrolle haben sicherlich mehr Schaden als Nutzen gebracht.

Membership & Association Info
Statutes, membership application & fees

Together we can achieve more. In addition to the classic forms of membership (ordinary membership and sponsoring membership), we now also offer a sponsoring option without membership with the „Support Initiative 365“. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find the main details in the following documents:


Membership Discounts:
We offer startups a 33.33% (⅓) discount on the first year of dues. Those who join us from another association can receive a discount of up to 25% for the first year of fees. We offer other national or international interest groups/organizations/associations the option of mutual membership free of charge. For non-profit associations (e.g. for the promotion of regional hemp cultivation, education, or similar) a membership discount of up to 60 % is possible. In addition, there is the possibility to share a regular („ordinary“) membership fee with a collective membership for smaller businesses (e.g. regional farming or store associations).

If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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Managing Director Michael Greif

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We will be happy to contact you with any questions about our association and/or membership.